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I've always lived a simple life and enjoyed life's little pleasures. I love telling stories ever since I can remember: at gatherings I was often asked to give my version as I always got up and did some acting, imitated sounds and voices, and people would crack up at my anecdotes. I wasn't the clown necessarily, however my stories for some reason had a raw, natural feeling that even in the seriousness of the situation, I managed to find some humor in it. I don't take myself too seriously. The best weapon my dad inherited me was my sense of humor and the ability to let things go, and keep on going. The notion that there's always a good side for everything, and that we can always make things better having the right mindset, has taken me through the most challenging moments of my life. I'm a firm believer that attitude makes it or breaks it.
Our art reflects who we are and what matters to us. There's nothing closer to the truth than that.
My artistic style is in constant search for the natural, raw version of ourselves. Photojournalism is a key element in my style. I like the organic feel in my images and strive to get the most original and spontaneous essence of each individual, and that idea is also behind every story I document: the candid feel. I don't pay too much attention to taboo and I find artistic nudes or implied nudes captivating. There's a fine line that separates everything, and I focus on the classy yet simple, sophisticated elegance when I do portraits of any kind.
If you've ever heard the quote: "Dance like nobody is watching", I take those words as serious advise :D . I grew up in a very affectionate family who loves gatherings, good food and dancing. My first memories include me dancing in front of my family, and then later on at my school's talent shows. I continue to dance and perform until this very day. It's helped me fight my fear of feeling awkward, as (I'm an introvert, not to confuse with being shy). I truly enjoy good company and I aim to connect with people instead of having superficial interactions. Oh and I love dancing. Did I mention I love dancing? I can absolutely get lost danding Salsa, Bachata, and Tango; or anything, really. Those who are close to me know the huge effort I make to refrain myself of joining the party for the events that I document. My feet have a mind of their own, and as soon as they "hear" music, they immediately want to start moving to the rhythm and the beat. But I keep them in check, no worries.
In my free time I enjoy nature, the beach and the waves are a big part of me as I lived almost within walking distance from the ocean where we used to go fishing and swimming with our dogs every weekend until the sun went down. I love the peaceful sounds of the leaves and the wind in my face during hikes, and the calm, quiet moments of reflection in the outdoors.
I'm from Mexico City where I grew up during the first part of my life. Basically I'm from the cradle of tacos; where tacos were born and made. Needless to say I'm a taco fan. I love trying new food and flavors though, learning from other cultures, their rituals and customs. I embrace diversity and support same sex marriage.
Writing comes to me as second nature. When asked to write a paragraph, I can effortlessly write a full essay and it's hard for me to stop. I guess I feel very comfortable communicating my feelings in writing. I feel free. I lost the fear of looking or sounding corny or ridiculous a while ago. I hope by being myself and accepting myself with my qualities and flaws I can inspire other people to do the same. In a world full of pretensions, being the most primitive and organic version of yourself is an act of rebellion.
I sincerely believe that we are somehow bound to attract people who have similarities with us. I feel our thoughts and our vibes, our energy, our language, and nonverbal cues are always communicating something, even when we think nobody is listening or even aware of us. I believe, if you're reading this, that the wonders of probability, or the universe if you will, may have conspired in our favor to get us closer with those who are like-minded. So who's to say, we may be a good match!, let's meet!. I look forward hearing from you and your plans for your upcoming wedding, Quinceañera, your Senior picture session ideas, or whatever it is that you are envisioning that involves a camera. You can reach me through email, or a phone call for availability and general information.
For details on pricing and packages, I provide a free consultation so I can answer all of your questions and I can show you all of the cool stuff that we do, with you in mind.
You can find me and Follow Me on Instagram as @Cayupe for my Weddings and Portraiture portfolio, and @Bestquinces if you're looking for my Sweet 16 and quince repertoire and stories, and also on FB as @Cayupe Gonzalez on my friend profile, or my Photography Facebook Page: @Cayupephoto. I look forward connecting with you!